Among the products on display: a refrigerator with a built-in sodastream machine to dispense fresh Bubby water, and an oven that allows customers to segment shelves to cook at different temperatures. 这些产品包括:内置SodaStream气泡水机的冰箱,可以配制新鲜的气泡水,还有分成不同内室的烤箱,用户可以在不同的温度下进行烹饪。
This program also allows you to display the subsystem shared memory segment for debugging purposes. 这个程序还允许您为调试目的显示子系统共享内存段。
The Display Principle of the Implementation Using 8279 for 10-Segment Fluorescent Digitron 用8279买现10段荧光显示管的显示管理
In computer graphics, an input device used to specify a particular display element or segment. Example: a light pen. 在计算机图形学中,为标识某个具体显示单元或显示段所用的一种输入设备,例如光笔。
But sharp has focused more on liquid crystal display screens, a segment that has struggled. 夏普专注于液晶显示器(lcd),但这个行业已经处境艰难。
Method of display: high contrast segment liquid crystal display, high brightness EL backlight; 显示方法:高对比度的段码液晶显示,高亮度EL背光;
LCD ITO line is corroded resulting in display missing segment after the LCD is fixed and runs for a few days. LCD装上机芯,运行数天后,ITO线被腐蚀,引起显示缺划,这一问题严重地困扰着生产厂家和相关客户。
Emphasizing a display element or segment by modifying its visual attributes. 通过改变显示属性以突出某一显示单元或一段文字的方法。
For the sake of lowering the hardware cost in the person-to-machine dialogue design, and saving the I/ Os in micro-controllers, we design a new display model using a new dynamic scanning display mode transmitting segment code and bit code alternately. 为了在人机对话设计中降低硬件成本,节约单片机的I/O口资源,通过串行动态扫描,即位码和段码交替发送的方式设计了一种新颖的显示模块,经调试,效果良好。
At pachytene stage the X and Y chromosome display an extensive side-by-side pairing segment with decreasing length as meiotic prophase progressed. 此外,X、Y染色体间出现扩大配对,其长度随减数分裂的进行而降低。
The sagittal images preferably could delineate the anatomical details of the temporal bone and the adjacent relationship, and display better the tympanic and mastoid segment of the facial nerve and the vestibular aqueduct. 矢状断面可良好显示颞骨结构及其周围结构的毗邻关系,对面神经鼓室段及垂直段、前庭导水管等结构显示尤佳。
The female silkworms of new sex-limited strain display light physiological damage, which might be caused by relative short translocated chromosome segment. 新限性系统雌蚕表现生理障碍较轻,可能是易位片段较小的缘故。
The discordance of change display of form and function: In the X ray pictures of the 10 national team athletes we found that there were some changes of the formation of the spinal column and waist segment compared with the common people in different degree. 形态与机能变化外显的不一致性:在对现有国家队10名运动员抽样X射线拍片中发现,运动员脊柱腰段的形态结构与正常人相比都有不同程度的改变。
The height of the gate to gate crane machine control and display of water project is a load of important segment. 闸门的高度控制和对闸门启闭机荷载的显示是水利工程中重要的环节。
B ultrasonic of the second proband display the initial segment endomembrane of carotid artery and vertebral artery thickening. B超显示双侧颈动脉、双侧椎动脉起始段内膜弥漫增厚。